校園簡介 Our School
幼 稚 園 暨 幼 兒 中 心 兼 收 計 劃 Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre

本園讓輕度弱智兒童與普通兒童融洽一起,使他們互相接納融洽相處,並提供適當的訓練啟發他們的基本技能 (如:智能、知覺動能、語言、自我照顧技巧及社交技巧等),替他們日後的發展奠定基礎。

兼收老師除對兒童每天有15-20分鐘個別訓練外,每星期更安排與普通兒童一起進行小組輔導及日常之課室輔導,每星期提供家居訓練及定期的專題講座等, 協助輕度弱能的兒童融入群體生活。 
服務名額 :6名 


  1. 輕度弱智兒童 ;
  2. 身體上有輕度弱能而行動沒有嚴重問題的兒童;
  3. 輕度或中度失聰的兒童;
  4. 弱視兒童及
  5. 輕度自閉或有自閉傾向的兒童。




Service Purpose

It provides training and care to children with mild disabilities in an ordinary kindergarten-cum-child care centre with a view to facilitating their future integration into the mainstream

educationas well as in the society.

Schedule Activities

SEN teacher provide 15-20mins individual training sessions every day and arrange group , classroom and home training per week.

Service Quota: 6

Service Target

Children aged 2-6 with special needs in learning who are transferred by the central referral system.


– mildly mentally handicapped;

– sightly physically handicapped and without serious mobility problem;

– mildly or moderately auditorily impaired;

– mildly or moderately visually impaired; or

– mildly autism


Referrals through the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the Social Welfare Department.